Saturday 19 November 2011

The Lovely Lily - family portraits

It was great to see the lovely Lily back in the studio today. She is such a gorgeous little girl with the biggest blue eyes youve ever seen. As usual she was as good as gold while mummy and daddy looked at their pictures. Poor mum and dad had such a job to choose their pictures :) when you have a baby this cute it is so hard to leave any behind. Here are a few of my favourites

Thursday 17 November 2011

Babies -The Beautiful Isobella,

Katie had been given a voucher for CK Photography as a gift when she had the beautiful Isobella and recently they came along to the studio. She is so clever and her favourite toy is her mummy's purse, she likes the plastic cards already lol
She is also a mobile phone girl and the age of 8 months has things sussed already, I'm sure by the time shes toddling we will have a lovely range of shoes :)
Saying all that she has the most gorgeous baby face that could melt any ones heart, girl you got it all figured out and don't even know it yet

Poppy, Stacey and Andrew with babys first year

Stacey and Andrew booked a 'babys first year' package with us and how much fun it was watching poppy grow. She was the most adorable baby with the most doting parents, and so strong for 9 weeks old. Then back she came and was getteing very clever and brought her grandad and aunts on this occasion :)Then came her first birthday which happened to coinside with the poppy season so with a name like Poppy a trip into the fields opposite was a must. On her last visit she was walking and saying words and even trying to dance haha
BUT the also brought with her baby number two in mummys tummy so we had to photograph mums tummy and she is blooming
Here is Poppys first year

Claire, Simon, Fin and Shannon

I first met Claire about a year and a half ago with her beautiful baby bump. one and half years on and she is a regular at the studio, its lovely to watch a family grow. The children have developed such characters. Here are a few from their session